Terms and Conditions
Waiver of Liability
I have enrolled myself and my dog(s) in dog training classes, 1 to 1 training sessions, workshops, training clubs, socialisation sessions, or other related activities offered by Pearlwynd.
I certify that I have been informed and understand that there is always some unavoidable risk of injury involved when working with dogs, especially dogs with behavioral issues. I acknowledge that dogs can be inherently difficult to control and that not all dogs will be under control at all times resulting in the possibility of injury to myself, my dog, my family members, or third parties. Additionally, I have had the full opportunity to discuss all concerns I have about the foregoing risks with Pearlwynd and its authorised representatives. I have also made all inquiries and investigations to my satisfaction related to such risks, including, but not limited to, an examination of the training area (where applicable).
I hereby accept all risks associated with my participation in all training sessions, workshops, and classes, including, but not limited to the risks of any injuries to myself, my dog, and any of my family members or third parties who may attend; the risks that my dog may cause injury to other persons and/or dogs involved in the classes; and the risks that saliva, dog feces, water, food, snow, clay pigeon fragments, and/or other debris may be present in the training area.
By participating in the classes, I hereby waive and agree not to sue and hold harmless Pearlwynd and their Managers, trainers, employees, and volunteers from any injuries, losses, claims, and damages to any person or persons, dog or dogs, of any nature whatsoever. I am responsible for my own dog(s) at all times and have read Pearlwynd's terms and conditions and agree to them fully.
I hereby accept that appointments once booked, can be moved up to 48h prior to the session time, and in exceptional circumstances, we may provide a credit coupon for the amount minus any fees Pearlwynd has incurred. Session canceled within less than 48hr of session time will be subject to a cancellation fee of 100%. I accept that Workshops, Events, Ringcraft training sessions, and Puppy and Dog Practise Clubs hosted by Pearlwynd are non-refundable upon booking. I accept that courses are booked as a block and that if I miss a session Pearlwynd is under no obligation to offer me access to alternative training for that missed session, and that course places that are canceled within less than 5 working days of the first session time will be subject to a 50% cancellation fee unless these courses contain online video access. Courses that contain online video access are non-refundable after the time of payment. Pearlwynd reserves the right to cancel or change an appointment at any time by notice with immediate effect, without cause.
This Waiver of Liability is legally binding. Should I wish to make a claim contrary to what I have agreed to, I shall be liable for all expenses (including solicitor’s fees, court costs, and consultant fees) incurred by both myself and Pearlwynd.
Advice is given by representatives of Pearlwynd
The information and any treatment suggested consists of Pearlwynd’s personal views and are based on the information given to Pearlwynd by the client or person responsible for the animal(s) and or Pearlwynd’s own conclusions resulting from personally gained evidence of the animal and the related behavioral problem.
Treatment plans, for the most part, will not be successful overnight. This requires a good deal of patience. Pearlwynd cannot guarantee that this will work, as each animal is an individual case, nor is it possible to foresee if another problem may arise as a result of the treatment. All programs are specific to a certain animal and should not be tried on any other pet, only the animal whose name that appears on the information.
Pearlwynd encourages clients to contact their veterinary surgeon prior to putting the actions into effect if they are concerned.
Big bark Competition T&Cs
This giveaway competition enables the winner/s to win one or more of the listed prizes (see flyer or fb post). The competition can be entered by liking Pearlwynd Dog Training & Activity Centre's Facebook page and liking and sharing the pinned competition post. Additional entries can be gained by booking a Pearlwynd service while at the Pearlwynd stand (at the Big Bark) - this entitles the booker to 5 additional entries; by clicking the click here link on the promo page on www.pearlwynd.co.uk and agreeing to marketing and promo emails.
All services booked by the winner must start by 31st August 2023. Pearlwynd Bespoke Dog Training reserves the right to change classes to 121s for the same value, should the dog not be appropriate for the class booked. We reserve the right to conclude this offer early if any unforeseeable circumstances occur. The prizes are not exchangeable for money - the monetary value of the prize is 0.001p